We had the best time during swim week. It was great to be able to go to the pool each day for a full week and see the fantastic progress the students made.
Room 6 made this gorgeous Taniwha. We took our time and worked really hard to keep inside the lines. You can go and see this outside Mr Wheelers office.
This week for our letter "i" Miss Patrick made us some delicious muffins so we could write about the icing.
We have been using our imaginations to make up stories about different objects with our storytelling skills. Above you can see us looking at a mysterious hook we made up and very creative oral story about.
We had a great time on Wednesday showing Merle Leask Kindergarten around Room 6.
We loved having our Whānau visit on Wednesday for our termly community invite. We showed them what we do during Discovery Learning time each week.
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