Monday, April 20, 2020

Week 2 Distance Learning

Hello everyone

Mrs McCully and I hope you are well and are enjoying this gorgeous sunshine and pretty autumn leaves. It has been really nice to talk or facetime you all over the past week. We will continue to contact you all twice each week to help you with your learning at home. 

If you can and want to share your work with me send it to

Here is a video of Miss Love reading a Anzac Day story. Sit back, relax and enjoy. 

Remember to practice your word containers and alphabet letter sounds each day. 

Here are some math questions for this week. See if you can draw or use items to show your working to someone in your whānau. 

Roz had 8 apples at her house. Her tamariki ate 2. How many did she have left?

Tania planted 11 broccoli seeds. Her cat dug out 3 seeds. How many seeds were left in the ground to grow?

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