Thursday, May 2, 2019

Term 2 Week 1

Welcome back to everyone. We have had a very busy week in Room 6.
The pictures below are of the great storytelling learning we have been doing about "The Gingerbread Man". 
Our story maps, plot matrix and mood map. 
 After we created our story maps we used our maps to tell our whānau the story. 
This is a play based learning station that we can use to re-enact the story during reading time using puppets. 
 During reading time we are also allowed to use our new whiteboard tables to story map or drawing the characters in the story. 
We spent some time with Room 1A telling the our stories using our maps. The seniors loved listening to us. 
 These are our mood maps. We mapped out how the Gingerbread was feeling throughout the story. Above the line means he was happy and below means sad or upset. Next week we will be looking different words we can use instead of happy and sad such as nervous. 

 We have had Fran in this week to teach us about Road Safety. 
 Kia ora Whānau,

As part of Oral Language time, we will be doing “Me bags”. Please help your child to select 5 items (such as photos, hobby items or a favourite toy) for their bag. By doing this, we hope our class will learn more about your child’s life outside of school. It would be helpful if you could support your child at home to practice what they are going to say in preparation. Please have these back to School by Friday 10th May (Fri Week 2).
Below are the students who have already brought their bags back. 

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